Finance Approval Needed
To: Council Financial Contact (On Council Account Record)
As the Financial Contact on the Council Record, please review the following:
Spending Record: {::href_link::spend_spendings::href_link::}
Payable to: {::href_link::spend_spendings::accounts_spend_spendings_1::href_link::}
Payable to Type:{::future::spend_spendings::payable_to_type_c::}
Total Request Amount: ${::future::spend_spendings::dollars_total_c::}
QI Navigator Notes: {::future::spend_spendings::qi_navigator_notes_c::}
Review the Spending Details subpanel to ensure that all items are reasonable, tied to the grant objectives of the Requisition, tied to a QIP, and tied to a Classroom (if applicable). Please make sure that all required documentation is attached to the Notes Subpanel, and that the amounts tie to the Spending Request Total Request Amount.
If Approved, please select the appropriate Action from the "What would you like to do? Available Actions" dropdown.
If corrections are needed, please select "Send Back to QI Navigator for Correction". An email will be sent to the QI Navigator along with your Approval Notes.
Requisition: {::future::spend_spendings::req_requisitions_spend_spendings_1::name::}
Requisition Remaining Balance: ${::future::spend_spendings::req_requisitions_spend_spendings_1::funds_remaining_c::}
If the Requisition balance is negative, the amount of the Spending Record should be reduced, funds should be transferred from the Pooled Council Requisition to the Provider Requisition.
Next Steps:
Periodically, you can export "Approved & Ready for Accounting" Spending Records and import into your accounting system.
Or, you can simply Print the Spending Record and submit to whomever enters Accounts Payable into your accounting system.
At month-end, you must reconcile Sugar "Approved & Ready to for Accounting System" Spending Records with your accounting system.
- Once reconciled, update the Available Actions to to "Mark as Reconciled (Lock Editing)"
- Once in the "Reconciled" status, Spending records will become locked. Any Reconciled Spending Records related to CDHS QI Funding will be synced with Salesforce.