Generally, all MOU's should be signed through the EchoSign integration with Sugar. That way, the MOU is automatically sent to the appropriate parties, the status of the MOU in Sugar is automatically updated, and there is a signed version saved in the appropriate place in Sugar. However, if the provider is unable to sign the digital MOU through EchoSign, you can print out the MOU, both parties can sign the physical copy and you can scan and upload the file to Sugar to approve the application.
1. Confirm the application record in sugar is in the "Submitted" status. If the application is in the "In Process" status, the provider needs to complete and submit their application. If the application is in the "MOU Out for Signing" status, select the "Cancel MOU" action.
2. Scan the New MOU.
3. Create a new Document record here:
5. Click "Choose File" and upload the scanned MOU file.
6. Enter a unique name like "Bill's Childcare TEST CSQI20 MOU" into the document name and make sure to copy that name.
7. Save the document record and return to the application record
8. On the application record, paste the document name into the "MOU" field and select the document from the results. Select "MOU" in the category field and save the record
9. Select the "Manual MOU Uploaded - Approve Requisitions & Accept" action, save and review the output in the "Message from Sugar" field.
You can only cancel an MOU while it's out for signing. If an MOU was fully executed so the application is in the "Accepted" status please see below. If the Provider/Council has a manually signed MOU, they wish to replace the "Original" MOU then follow these steps:
1) Scan the NEW MOU
2) Go to the current MOU document record
3) Click the "Create" button in the "Document Revisions" section
4) Upload the manually signed MOU
If they don't have an MOU, let Bill know and he'll update the application record so they can send out a new MOU through sugar.