While this is not encouraged (definitely always go through ecConnect to create and submit spending requests. A guide for how to do this can be found here) On occasion it has happened that items or Professional Development requests might be ordered without creating a Spending record in ecConnect. If this happens it is definitely important to make sure you document the Spending so that it will count against the Provider's requisition. If you do not have access to ecConnect or you need to enter it in quickly you can use the steps below to document this in Sugar. This will ensure accurate tracking of funding, just as it would when a Provider requests items or PD through ecConnect.
Steps to document Spending that has already occurred outside of ecConnect:
1) Go to the Provider's Requisition.
2) Go to Spending subpanel
3) Select + Sign to create new Spending Request.
4) Make sure Requisition and payable to Type is updated and accurate
5) Update pay by credit card if it is a manual order
6) Update Co Shines Category (learning environment, PD, etc.).
7) Click on new spending you just created.
8) Add Spending Details (Items, PD, etc.).
10) Ignore training field as this is not a field we need to fill out.
11) Council training contact if it is Council Training.
12) Update all areas relevant to Item being requested.
13) You can add more Spending Details to the request if you go to spending detail and select the + sign.
14) Then review and send to be approved by Grant Lead.