After a Provider has completed their Quality Improvement Application (Colorado Shines QRIS Applications are filled out by the Provider in the Colorado Shines portal), then the Council can send the Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU), which is basically a contract signed by the Provider and the EC Council that means the Provider agrees to the terms of participating in QRIS. After an MOU is signed by both parties, the requisitions for that program automatically become active, and they can start utilizing their resources.

This article walks Early Childhood Council Staff through how to find, review, and approve Funding Applications and send MOU’s in Sugar!  If you are having issues you can check the MOU FAQ'S! first! 

**Bonus tip: Click on any of the images in the article below to see a larger version of that image!**

Find Submitted Applications    

1) To get started you can run this Applications Report to figure out what status your provider's Applications are in. Only once Applications are in the "Submitted" Status, can you send MOUs.


You can go also to the Applications Module and filter to find a specific application.  Read more about filtering HERE



2) Click on the Application Name to open.  The application name will be "the site's abbreviation funding stream year" (eg. BILL CSQI 2020).

Before you send the MOU

  •  You will want to check and make sure there are Requisitions associated with this application.  You will want to confirm these amounts are accurate.  
    • You can check this document to make sure you aren't seeing anything out of the ordinary regarding Dollar and Coaching amounts.
    • If you are new to reading Requisitions, be sure to review How to Read a Requisition. Note that at this stage, all amounts should be in the Preliminary fields on the Requisition.
  • Check to make sure the Primary Contact name and email on the Provider's Account is correct as this is the person the MOU will be sent to. Learn more about updating contacts in Change In Primary/Director Contact at a Site.
  • Check to make sure the Primary Contact name and email on your Council Account is correct as this is the person the MOU will be sent to after the provider signs. 

Sending the MOU

Once you have reviewed the Requisitions, made sure the the Primary Contacts are correct, and the Application Status is "Submitted"you are ready to send the MOU! 


On the Applicationclick on the Actions drop down, select "Send MOU Pending Sufficient Funds" and click "Save".

Be sure to look at the Message from Sugar field.  If the action did not work this field will tell you why.  Below are some examples of messages you may see:


  • "Hooray! [Name] just sent the MOU".  The MOU is out for signing and no one has signed yet.


  • "Waiting on [email address] since [date]." This will tell where the MOU is waiting for signing.


  • "Hooray! This application has been approved, and the Requisitions are ready to be used." This means everyone has signed the MOU, and the Program and/or QI Navigator/Council Staff can go into ecConnect and can start submitting QI requests or delivering coaching!


Behind the Scenes: When you select "Send MOU Pending Sufficient Funds" an email will go out to the Primary Contact of the provider to sign. Once the Primary Contact signs, an email will go out to the Council to sign.   Once the MOU is fully signed Sugar will update the Application to the "Accepted" status and the Provider’s requisitions will become available in ecConnect!