Below are the steps to walk you through creating a Split request for a Provider.  Split requests should only be used between a provider’s own funding streams and/or when a multi-site provider is utilizing the requested items between QI Requisitions and or Locations.  


A split request should not go across multiple programs if the items being purchased are only providing a benefit for one location, or for children receiving the benefits of only ONE Funding Stream. 

Prior to submitting any split requests, speak with all relevant Grant Leads to ensure the split is approved:

1) Create, or have the provider create, the first Spending Request, at full price and payable to the actual Vendor, through ecConnect.  The Provider may not be able to submit the request with the full price if it is a split across Funding Streams (in part) because they did not have enough in one, so the Navigator will have to pull it through from the back end in Sugar. 

        a) Once the request is complete, open it in Sugar and select “Yes” under the “Split?” box. (Must be selected for all related Spending Requests).  


Behind the Scenes: If the Split is because the Provider does not have enough funds in one QI Requisition, then the Provider will appear to be “over Budget” until all approvals have been completed and all related requests updated according to these instructions. 



2) Create the additional requests which will be needed to complete the Split.  This can happen either on the back end (through Sugar) or through ecConnect.  One option is to use the Sugar record to create a copy:



            a) In ecConnect “Payable to” should be “Request to Use Other VendorOR in Sugar “Payable To Account” should be “Other”.   This should be used for all BUT the original Spending Request. 



(see above view in ecConnect)



(see above view in Sugar)            


            b) In either ecConnect or Sugar, add the name of the actual Vendor to the “Special Instructions” box.


(see above view in ecConnect)


(see above view in Sugar)

            c) Item Prices should total to ONLY the amount that will be charged to the specific requisition account.  Meaning, if the total cost of the actual order is $1,000 and the Split Spending Request you are working on will only be contributing $100, ensure that the items on the split request, when amounts are added together, only totals $100.00. 

If one Requisition Account is only partaking in certain items from the Split Request, only use those items.



3) For the original Spending Request (the one which contains the entire order before split) identify all related Spending Requests in “Navigator Notes” in Sugar


            a) For all subsequent Spending Requests, identify Vendor Name in the “Special Instructions” box and all related Spending Requests in  “Navigator Notes”.  


    4) Regenerate PO for ‘other’ draft in Draft Status.


    5) Submit all requests for approval.


    6) Once approval has been received, and the original PO has been sent to the Vendor, update the original PO’s item prices to reflect the total that should be charged to this specific Spending Request.  Do NOT use the discount field for this.


    7) Update remaining Split Requests to “Ordered (Need to Attach Invoice)”, (They will be in the “Send Order to Vendor” status).


    8) Update remaining Split Requests “Payable to Type” and “Payable to Account” fields to reflect the actual Vendor.


    9) Ensure that each Spending Request matches what is being charged to the specific Requisition Account.


    10) Ensure that the totals for each of the Spending Requests add up to the accurate total for the order.