This article will walk you through the fields you need to review for your TSQI24 and ESQI24 Funding Stream Setup.  

Carefully review the updates we have made based on your survey responses to ensure accuracy and functionality of your 23/24 Funding.  This Year the Funding Streams were automatically locked for editing after they were created so if there is anything that looks incorrect, please submit a support ticket to and we will update it.

To begin your review go to the "Funding Streams" module and opening both the TSQI24 and ESQI24 Funding Streams for the upcoming fiscal year.     

In the Program Summary Tab check and make sure the following fields are correct:

  • The Grant Lead name and email 
  • The Special Approver name and email

In the Application Set up Tab check and make sure the following fields in the TSQI24/ESQI24 Configurations and MOU Signers Setup Subpanels are correct:

  • The QI Application Deadline Date 
  • Application QI Preview Setting
  • Application Ready for release- review this field and make sure it's correct. Remember if you have indicated "No" providers will not be able to apply until you mark "Yes"
  • Default Requisition Type 
    • If you selected Coaching as your Default Requisition Type and have allocated any QI Dollars check to make sure those amounts are correct.
    • If you selected QI Dollars as your Default Requisition Type and have allocated an Coaching Hours please make sure those hours look correct.

  • Default Coaching Requisition Type
    • This field determines if sugar will generate internal or external coaching requisitions for your sites

  • MOU Signers setup section
    • If you indicated any additional Signers or people to be cc'd on the MOU make sure those Contacts that appear in those fields have the correct email address in their Contact Record.  


In the Budget Summary Tab check and make sure the following field is correct:

  • The Indirect Cost Rate
  • This rate should be a decimal, e.g. a 10% indirect cost rate will be represented as 0.1 in this field

If you have Internal Coaching 

  • Go to the Internal Coaching Detail Tab and check and make sure the Coaching Rates are correct
  • Check the "Estimated Internal Coaching Rate" field
  • The "Projected Internal Coach Rate" field will be set to 0 until an internal requisition is approved

If you have External Coaching 

  • Go to the External Coaching Detail Tab and check and make sure the Coaching Rates are correct

If something doesn't look right submit a Ticket to!