In an effort to make sure that users are updating their spending records correctly, we've introduced a new feature to monitor the amounts in the "Total Discount" and "Total Shipping or Additional Fees" fields. 

The new feature is triggered if any of the following conditions are met:

  • The value in the "Total Discount" field is negative
  • The value in the "Total Shipping or Additional Fees" field is negative
  • The value in the "Total Discount" field is greater than 10% of the "Subtotal Spending Details" field (which is updated automatically based on the sum of the "Total Cost" fields of all related Spending Detail records
  • The value in the "Total Discount" field is greater than 10% of the "Subtotal Spending Details" field

If any of the above conditions are met and you attempt to select an action that moves the record forward in the approval process, a new required, un-editable field labeled "Shipping/Discount too high - approve anyway?" will appear: 

Please note you will not be able to edit this field!


The main issue we hope to avoid with this feature is users updating the "Total Shipping or Additional Fees" and/or "Total Discount" fields instead of correcting incorrect amounts on the related spending details.  If you encounter this error message please follow these steps to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Update the actions field so that it's blank (this will allow you to preserve any unsaved changes while you correct the issues)
  2. Save the spending record
  3. Compare your invoice to the Spending Details subpanel to identify the discrepancy - pay special attention to the "Item Quantity or Hours" and "Total Cost" fields)
  4. Open the spending detail record that doesn't match your invoice by clicking the blue value in the "Name Column"
  5. Update the "Item Quantity or Hours" and/or "Item Unit Price or Rate" fields to correct the issue (note that if an item was out of stock, you should update the "Item Quantity or Hours" field to 0)
  6. Save the Spending Detail record
  7. Repeat for any other problematic spending detail records
  8. Return to the Spending record
  9. Correct the "Total Shipping or Additional Fees" and/or "Total Discount" fields to match your invoice
  10. Select the desired option from the Actions field and proceed with reconciling the record

In some cases, your invoice may indicate that the discount or shipping was actually greater than 10% of the subtotal.  In that case, simply update the actions field so that it's blank and save the record. Then submit a support ticket by emailing and be sure to include the following pieces of information and we will make the necessary changes to allow you to proceed:

  • A link to the spending record
  • The invoice that shows the discount and/or shipping fees
  • The action you were attempting to select