When there is a change in staff at a Early Childhood Council, this information needs to be updated in Sugar so the new contact will have all the permissions they need.

The most important fields to update in Sugar are the "Primary Contact/Portal Admin" and "Director Contact" on the account record in the Key Contacts Subpanel. You can also update the "Financial Contact" on the account record, but this field is not tied directly to Sugar/ecConnect permissions. Only the email/contact record associated with "Primary Contact/Portal Admin" or "Director Contact" will be able to approve or change QI requests and perform Transfers/Conversions.  You can read more about that HERE! .


Behind the Scenes: This "Primary Contact/Portal Admin", "Director Contact", and "Financial Contact" fields are NOT tied to the data sync with Salesforce/Colorado Shines-it is only for use with ecConnect.


*Helpful tip: click on any of the images in the article below to see a larger version of that image!

Step 1) Does the new contact person have a record in ecConnect already?


You can find this out by going to Contacts and entering the person's name in the search field. If you see the person's name appear in the list below, you can click on their name to see their complete record and verify it is the same person you are looking for (check email, organization, etc. fields on their contact record to be sure). 


*If you see this person's name twice when you search, and it is clear that each contact record is for the same person, you will want to read the Merging Duplicate Contacts article before you proceed. Feel free to send a support ticket if you see duplicate contacts.


**If you see this person's name twice when you search, and it is clear that each contact record is for DIFFERENT people, you can disregard until later on in the process. 




If the New Key Contact does not have a Contact record in Sugar you have to create a Contact record for them by clicking on Contacts and clicking create on the upper right hand side of the page:


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Next you will update only the highlighted information.  Primary Account will be the Early Childhood Council they are the associated with:

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After you have either verified that an updated Contact record exists or created a new Contact record for the person, you will have to navigate to the site's Account Record, and on the Overview tab:

Scroll down to Key Contacts subpanel, click on the "Primary Contact/Portal Admin" or "Director" field. Then click on the edit blue edit button in the right corner. Next, scroll to the contact you would like to edit and start typing the name of the new Contact person you want to add, and click save.  If you see the person's name twice when you start typing here, make sure you click the "Search and Select" option below the box you type in so you can make sure you are selecting the correct contact. Go back to the first step in this document for more info on what to do with matching name contact records.

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