Sometimes, when creating a Spending request in ecConnect, you want to select something other than Payable to:  “Direct to Approved Vendor”, and that’s OK.  A great example of this would be creating a Capital Improvement Request!   This short article walks you through what the different Payable to options mean.

*Bonus Tip: If you are having trouble seeing the screenshots in any of these articles click directly on the image to enlarge the picture for more clarity!  

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When you are creating a Spending Request in ecConnect you will have to select who you would like the Payable Type to be or who you will ultimately want to pay before you can finish your request.  There are 4 different Payable to Types to choose from:

1) Payable to: "Childcare Site (Reimbursement)" -  This means a Program has already purchased materials or paid for Professional Development using their own Program’s Funds and are seeking a reimbursement of those funds directly to their Childcare Center or Program via a check.  If you select this option be sure to pay special attention to the required documentation that you will need to attach to this request.  Receipt and Proof of payment MUST be submitted, and you must follow the guidelines in the Reimbursement Checklist Guide. 

2) Payable to: "Direct to Approved Vendor" - With this option you can chose from a variety of different Vendors (Marketplace, Preferred, and Other Approved Vendors) that Councils have worked with and have been deemed reliable to work with for Materials or Professional Development.  For a more detailed description on how each of these Vendor Categories differ check out Vendor Definitions!

3) Payable to: "Direct to Training Provider" - With this option you can chose from a variety of different Vendors that offer Professional Development or Training options.

4) Payable to: "Request to Use Other Vendor" - With this option you will want to pay attention to the Special Instructions Box and make sure all of the Contact information for this Vendor is listed so that the Council Staff placing this order will have the appropriate information for billing.  These Requests are typically Manual Orders, which need to be placed with the Vendor directly.  

Whenever you are in doubt about who will be getting payment always remember that if you chose Childcare Site that will always be a reimbursement to that Site, and the rest of the Payable to options are going to have payment sent directly to the Vendor you choose! You can also see how these Payable To types effect a Capital Improvement Request in the article Capital Improvement-in ecConnect (first step).