The most important thing, before you select the reconcile action, is to make sure that Sugar exactly matches the invoice the vendor sent you.  Council Staff must review the following fields and update them if necessary so that they match the invoice.  

*Bonus Tip: If you are having trouble seeing the screenshots in any of these articles click directly on the image to enlarge the picture for more clarity!  

Step 1. Open up the Spending Module in Sugar

Step 2. Filter for your spending Record (for tips on filtering to easily find your spending records check out the article Sugar 101- How to "Filter" in Sugar!

Step 3. check the following Fields:

  • The Item Quantity or Hours field on each related spending detail record.  Scroll down to the Spending detail and click on it to check this-

  • The Item Unit Price or Rate field on each related spending detail record.  Scroll down to the Spending detail and click on it to check this-

  • The Total Shipping or Additional Fees on the spending record

  • The Total Discount field on the spending record

  • And finally the Total Request Amount field on the spending record (this field isn't editable but it's the combination of all of the above fields, so if those are all correct, this field should match the total on the invoice).


Once you've confirmed all of those fields are accurate, you can use the "Mark as Reconciled (Lock Editing)" action!