It may seem far off, but the end of this fiscal year is right around the corner.


Here are some expert tips for getting your Council in order before the craziness of year-end really kicks in!


1. Make sure to check your "deadline" fields!

There are two separate but very important fields that you can set to whatever deadlines you want:

  • The Expiration Date field on each Requisition: this determines the last day that ecConnect users (providers) can submit new spending requests or that Coaches can log new visits in ecConnect.
  •  Council's should update expiration dates on individual requisitions to make just that requisition accessible in ecConnect. If Council's want to update all of their requisitions to be available for longer, they should submit a support ticket.
  • To review "Requisition Expiration Dates" click this report HERE.

Behind the Scenes: The default date is set to 5/31/2023.  If you want this moved earlier for ALL of your providers, please contact the helpdesk!

  • The  "Council Spending End Date" field on the Funding Stream module (under the QI Dollars Detail Tab): this is the expiration date for QI Navigators so that QI Navigators can submit spending requests after providers are cut off

** Bonus Tip: Make sure you share these dates with providers and your Council staff so everyone gets their Spending/Coaching done on time!

2. Make sure to check your requisition balances!

See how programs are doing on using their funding and coaching, the site will lose access to any unspent funds at the end of the year. If you want to look at a list of all your programs with active ESQI/TSQI requisitions one option is to use the #! Requisitions Quick View report.



3. Catch those lingering Spending Requests and Coaching Details!

You can use the #! Unreconciled Spending and #! Unreconciled Coaching reports to catch any records that still need to be processed. You can use this report to look at TSQI, ESQI , or both using QI23 and make sure to use the filters in the report to select the correct funding stream.

4. Check for requisitions with negative remaining balances

You can use this report FY23 negative remaining balances to check for sites that have a negative balance remaining on their requisition. These will have to be corrected before you can generate your final reconciliation report. You can  transfer funds from the pool to cover these negative balances. Read more about transfers and conversions in the article Transfers and Conversions - The Basics !

Remember, by the end of the fiscal year ALL records should be in either "Reconciled" or "Cancelled" status

Another easy way to get a list of any Spending requests that still need to be completely processed is to go to the Spending module in Sugar and use a filter.  We recommend starting with a filter where: "Status" --"Is Not Any Of" --"Reconciled (locked)". This will show all spending requests that haven't quite been finished. You can keep adding to or changing your filter(s) to drill down further. 

If all of your records are not in "Reconciled" or "Cancelled" status you will not be able to create your final reconciliation report.


5. Move your funds to where they will be utilized!

Now is a great time to start checking with Providers to ensure that they have a plan for how and when they want to use their QI funding and coaching hours.  While ideally every Program would use every resource that they are allocated at the beginning of the year, sometimes this realistically isn't going to happen. If you know a program is going to forfeit their dollars or coaching hours, for ESQI/TSQI you can transfer it to another Program who may need it!

6.Check coaching logs that need review

You can use this report #! Coaching needing review. Here can see all coaching logs that still need to be reviewed and approved for accuracy. These will all need to be reviewed before you can do your final reconcilation in sugar. There billing status will say "Needs Review" until you approve the coaching record, and then it will update to "Ready for billing".

    If you have any questions submit a support ticket at