Please make sure you are following the steps in the Step by Step Monthly Reconciliation Guide as you prepare your monthly invoice to the CDEC.  For a closer look at how you fill out your CDEC Template using your Reconciliation Summary check out this Video! 

If you have read through the Step by Step Guide and are still having issues, here are some common questions related to the NEW (as of January 2021) process of reconciliation in Sugar and ways to troubleshoot! 

If you do not see the answer below please submit a ticket to


* Why do I need to check my Reconciliation Reports from Step 2 and 3 before running my Summary Report?

- This is the step where you have control over what shows up in the reports that you generate via your TSQI Funding Stream in Step 4. You must check these reports in step 2 and 3 (please refer to the Step by Step Monthly Reconciliation Guideto make sure you are not missing any records that you want to bill to the OEC and to make sure what shows up in your final Invoice to the OEC matches your financial records for last month. This step is essential---DO NOT SKIP IT!! Take some time at the beginning to make sure these reports look how you want, and you avoid 99% of the issues that can come up with this process. 

* What happens when I select "Generate Summary Report and Mark records as Billed" action on my CSQI24 Funding Stream?

- When you generate your Summary Report on your TSQI24 Funding stream Sugar automatically updates the Billing Status field on all Spending and Coaching records contained in this Summary Report to “Billed to Funder” as well as updating the “billing period” to whichever month it is currently, so it won't show up in future months, and there is no danger of forgetting to bill something or accidently double-billing an expense.  

* What are my #! ALL Spending for CDEC Reconciliation or my #! ALL Coaching for CDEC Reconciliation Reports for?

These reports show Spending and Coaching Records that will be billed to CDEC if you generate a new Reconciliation Summary Report on your TSQI24 Funding Stream.  Records in the #! Spending to be billed to CDEC and #! Coaching to be billed to CDEC reports have the Billing Status of "Ready for Billing".  

* Where can I find my Spending and Coaching Records, I need to submit to the CDEC? 

- You will now be able to find two detailed reports of all Spending and Coaching Records that you will need to submit to the CDEC in the Coaching Reconciliation Report and Spending Reconciliation Report Fields in your Reconciliation Reports Subpanel.  These detailed reports capture all Spending and Coaching that has been marked as "Billed to Funder" by generating your Reconciliation Summary Report on your TSQI24 Funding Stream.   

* Why are my #! Spending Records for CDEC Reconciliation or my #! Coaching Records for CDEC Reconciliation Reports Blank?

- If you are checking these Reports AFTER you Generate your Reconciliation Summary on your TSQI24 Funding Stream then they will be blank.  This is because when you generate your Summary Report on your TSQI24 Funding Stream Sugar automatically updates the Billing Status field on all Spending and Coaching records contained in this Summary Report to “Billed to Funder” which means those Records will no longer show up in these Reports.  

- If you are checking these reports BEFORE you Generate your Reconciliation Summary on your TSQI24 Funding Stream this means you have records which are not in a Reconciled Status.  Use the #!  Spending not ready to be billed to CDEC or #!  Coaching not ready to be billed to CDEC Reports to find Records you want to move into a "Reconciled" Status (or "Cancelled - Billable" status). 

* What are my #! Past Billing Cycle Reports for?

Once Records are marked as "Billed to Funder" you will be able to see them in these two reports: 

* What is the "Reconciliation Period" Field?

- The "Reconciliation Period" is a new Field in Spending and Coaching Records that is named after the month for which you are billing for (so if you are reconciling December expenses in January, the "Reconciliation Period" is December).  This will make it easier to find records in your CDEC invoice and tell which month you billed records for.  

  • In a Spending Record you can find this field in the the Payment Status Subpanel:

  • In a Coaching Record you can find this field in the first Section of the Coaching log:

* What do I do if my CDEC Invoice Template is not adding up correctly?

If your CDEC Invoice Template is not adding up correctly (i.e. columns are not totaling up all rows) please contact your CDEC Program Officer and request the UPDATED CDEC Invoice template!  

Make sure you are copying the Reconciliation Summary Report exactly like this: 

and pasting it (making sure to select "Special Paste" and then "Values" to keep the formatting consistent) into your CDEC Invoice template where it says "Paste Sugar Report Here!

* What if the amount of expenses incurred via my accounting system does not match the Reconciliation Summary report? (e.g. for internal Coaching Hours?)

- The most important thing is that the amount on your CDEC invoice reflect your actual expenses incurred during the relevant billing period.  The Sugar reconciliation process was designed to help make this as easy as possible using Sugar, but there will often be exceptions to the rule.  

For instance, if you have an Internal Coaching rate in Sugar that is an estimate and does not exactly match your coaching staff's salary rates.  In this case, still follow all the outlined steps, and do your best to have the summary report reflect the activities that you want to bill for (coaching that happened), knowing that when you go to enter the amounts in your invoice, you should use the amounts from your accounting system that reflect actual expenses incurred.  It is always a good idea to let your CDEC Program Officer know when your invoice won't match your Sugar reports for any reason!

* Do I still need to include the Spending/Coaching detailed reports with my CDEC Invoice? 

The CDEC Invoice Template now has tabs for the Spending and Coaching detailed reports to be copied into, so everything can be in one place! Be sure to copy the two detailed excel reports (from step 4!) into the Spending and Coaching Tabs in your CDEC Invoice Template before you send off!

* Why is my Coaching or Spending Detail Report Blank?

If you did not have any Spending or Coaching for the previous month then the corresponding detail report will also be blank.  The Summary Report will always produce a report, even if all the amounts are 0.