This article will guide you through the steps for submitting a EandE Capital Improvement Funding request through ecConnect!  Early Childhood Councils are expected to collaborate with Programs and support them in this process. 

*Bonus Tip: If you are having trouble seeing the screenshots in any of these articles click directly on the image to enlarge the picture for more clarity!  

*Please Note: The eligibility criteria below pertain only to EandE Funding. EandE is a reimbursement grant for eligible expenses for costs, services, and materials. If you have received EandE Capital Improvement funding in 2021-2022 you may be eligible to apply again if new slots were added that were not previously funded with EandE dollars.  If the materials are purchased through ecConnect, the Early Childhood Council may pay ecConnect vendors directly.

Review EandE FAQ HERE and EandE business rules state document HERE!


Requirements for EandE Capital Improvement Funding are as follows:

Provider has an active EandE MOU with Council and is 

  • Currently open and operating licensed programs, serving children birth to five, with a permanent or provisional license which are expanding their current licensed capacity, OR; 


  • An applicant actively pursuing a childcare license through the Colorado Department of Early Childhood to increase overall capacity or to increase the number of infant/toddler slots,OR; 

Please note: Programs that opened between November 1, 2021, to the date of application that have eligible expenses incurred on or after July 1, 2022, per C.R.S.26.5-3-803.


**Construction must be completed by September 30, 2024. The program needs to be open and operating no later than December 30, 2024. The E & E grant may not cover the entire cost of the project, especially if the majority of the project benefits non-E&E slots and/or is an improvement that is not required by licensing.  Early Childhood Councils will not reimburse programs for the final payment until the final walk through and, if appropriate, the final inspection certifies that the work is up to code. Additionally, all construction payments will go directly to the program as they are the ones procuring the services. Programs should make the final payment once the program is satisfied with the work and the aforementioned walkthroughs, inspection certificates, etc. are complete.

The first Application period is January 1, 2023 – March 3rd. There will be a second application period in early summer of 2023.  Projects and spending must be completed by September 30th 2024!

Documentation you will need scanned to your computer before you begin:

  • At least 2 detailed bids from the Vendor or Vendors you wish to use

  • A Before Photo

  • A brief summary of the Project

  • Because numerous types of jobs in Colorado do not require a licensed contractor (small things like landscaping, replacing flooring, etc), as long as the contractor has a business license in good standing and the ECC ensures all requirements of the municipality are met (city/county, HOA, etc) that would be all they would need to enter into an agreement to have the work completed.  However, if the project requires permitting, we will require a valid Contractor License and insurance (liability included) related to the work being performed.  NO exceptions. 

  • *NOT REQUIRED BUT HIGHLY ENCOURAGED: Bonding information for Selected Bid. (More information on what this is and how to get *

  • An Invoice to show the work was completed and paid. A RECEIPT AND PROOF OF PAYMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED (ex. a credit card statement showing the charge or a copy of the canceled check- See checklist HERE for more details on what this could look like)

  • An “After Photo” of the work

Once you have the documentation you are ready to log into ecConnect and follow these easy steps to complete a Capital Improvement Request!

Step 1) Click on the Quality Improvement Tab and select "Submit QI Request Form"

Step 2) Click on the Site you wish to create a QI Request for.

Step 3) Select the "..EandE24 Dollars - Capital Improvement - $0.00" as the QI Funds and click NEXT


Step 4) Click on the green "Open new Capital Improvement Request" Button.

Step 5) Fill out the QIP Goal Category (QIP goals will automatically be generated for Programs who have a “Pending License” Status) then select the Payable to type:

  • If you've already fully paid for these items and have an invoice showing proof of payment, select "Child Care Site (Reimbursement)", otherwise, select "Direct to Approved Vendor" to shop through the Punch out System provided by Lakeshore, Kaplan, School Specialty and Discount School Supplies) 

Step 6) Fill out the Capital Improvement Questions  

These questions only show up for ALL EandE Capital Improvement requests and they need to be answered for each Capital Improvement request. For punch out Vendors, the Capital Improvement questions are hidden until you have returned from the Vendor's site

To make sure you select the correct option in the first drop down question (“Please select if this QI request is for an …”), here is a quick guide to the options:

  • Final Payment in Full (work must be completed)-select if the capital improvement work is already completed, but the vendor has not been paid at all yet.  You will need to attach an invoice and an 'After photo' to your request as well.

  • Initial Deposit (Required by Vendor)- select if the capital improvement work is NOT already completed, and you are requesting funds to be able to afford this Project.  In some cases, you will need to pay the vendor up front and in some cases the Vendor may only ask for funds once the Project is complete.  This option is for most Programs who simply want the Capital Improvement Funds to be able to start or cover a project NOT yet started.

  • Partial Payment (provider is paying a portion; work must be completed)-select if the capital improvement work is already completed, the vendor has not been paid yet, and the child care site is paying part of the cost directly to the vendor from their private budget (usually if the request is over $7500).  You will need to attach an invoice and an 'After photo' to your request as well. 

  • Remaining Balance (Work Must be Completed)-select this if the capital improvement work is already completed, but there is still an outstanding balance due to the vendor that hasn’t already been paid.  You will need to attach an invoice and an 'After photo' to your request as well. 

Step 7)  Attach the required documentation for your Capital Improvement Request.  This is where you upload your Documentation:

  • 2 detailed bids

  • Before Picture

  • After Picture

  • Contractor License(s) and Insurance 

  • Bonding information (if applicable)

  • a brief summary of the Project

  • Permits and final inspection reports provided to the Early Childhood Council if work was already completed

Step 8) In the Provider Narrative box please explain why you are requesting this Capital Improvement Project, type your name to sign, then click on the Green Submit button.

If you need more than one spending request for an EandE capital improvement request to one contractor click here!!!

Congratulations, you are done with your QI request in ecConnect!!  Your Early childhood Council will reach out with next steps once this request is approved!  The next steps will be completed entirely by your Early Childhood Council in SugarCRM!-EandE Capital Improvement- For councils (Second Step)